Thursday, April 17, 2014

Philomela Lyman (1882-1919)

Philomela "Millie" Lyman
Philomela Lyman was born in Oak City, Utah, August 30, 1882, the third child of Edward Leo and Mary Maranda Callister Lyman. Her early years were spent in Oak City. She was about six when the family moved to Ogden where she began her schooling. Millie was a good student and always had a desire for education. After she had completed the eighth grad and all that was available at home, she entered the University of Utah. She graduated with a teaching certificate entitling her to teach in the elementary schools of Utah. She taught in Deseret, Oak City and American Fork and was considered a capable and successful teacher.

An opportunity came at this point for Millie to go into nurses training and this she decided to do. In Salt Lake City again she studied and worked at the L.D.S. Hospital, graduating later as a registered nurse. She was employed at the hospital until her marriage.
Philomela Lyman Lovell

Millie led a full and active life being a wonderful mother to Ren's* three children. She was a civic leader and spent time nursing and caring for the sick. Her positions in the Church were many. At the time the Millard Stake was divided she became the first president of the Deseret Stake Y.W.M.I.A.

To Ren and Millie were three children born, but only Edward Lyman Lovell lived to bless their home. Millie died January 15, 1919, of influenza and pneumonia at the birth of her last child. She is buried in the Oak City Cemetery.

Book: “Echoes of the Sage and Cedars” – A Centennial History of Oak City, Utah 1868-1969; Compiled by Margaret W. Roger, p. 379-380.

*Millie was married to Lorenzo Turner Lovell who was born December 2, 1877, to George and Martha Turner Lovell in Oak City, Utah.

Amasa Mason Lyman & Lydia Partridge
Edward Leo Lyman
Philomela Lyman

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